
Matthew 14: 27 Commentary

On this page you will find Verse by Verse Bible Commentaries on Matthew 14: 27 

1. How often the very FIRST words
a. Out of either Jesus or an angel
b. Is “Don‘t be afraid”
2. We do not NORMALLY see people
a. Walking on water
b. Or appear out of thin air
c. In locked rooms
3. This freaks us out
a. Because it is UN-NATURAL
4. Witness the TV shows with magicians
a. Like David Blaine or Chris Angel
5. It is interesting to watch some people
a. Freak out and run away
6. For it just is NOT natural
a. To see people deny
b. The laws of physics

One Bible Commentary on Matthew 14: 26

1. Mark writes that Jesus would have walked past them
a. Then He saw them straining at rowing, for the wind was against them. Now about the fourth watch of the night He came to them, walking on the sea, and would have passed them by (Mark 6:48)
2. Let us set the scene:
a. The disciples have been sailing all night
b. The waves and wind are impeding them
c. They are tired and wet
d. It is dusky-dark out
e. They are NOT looking for Jesus on the water
3. Now all of a sudden
a. They see what appears to be
b. A figure of a person walking by them
4. They are freaked out
a. Thinking they see a spirit
b. And it really scared them