
Ezekiel 33: 8 Commentary

On this page you will find Verse by Verse Bible Commentaries on Ezekiel 33: 8

According to Romans 6:23 “…The wages of sin is death…” Those of us who’ve been reconciled to Christ must warn this lost and Hell-bound generation of the wrath to come. If they repent, we’ve gained a brother. If they don’t repent, they’ll go to Hell. But if WE DON’T TELL THEM, then we have made the choice for them. Therefore, their blood will be on our hands (we’ll be guilty of soul-murder).


You said: there was a REASON I asked about ACTS-REVELATION and NOT about Matthew-John, for Jesus WAS ‘living under the Law’ and most assuredly, the ‘tithe’ was in full-force, hence all your references from the GOSPELS – and your reference in Hebrews in spot-on, so NO PROBLEM…

My comment:The Letter to the Hebrew written by St Paul during the time of the Acts of the Apostles and I quoted it to make you aware!And Jesus was not literally living under the Law for the Jewish Nation was under Pagan Rome, and the Levitical Priesthood have been corrupted by the Pharisees and Saducees…and if you think that Jesus said what he said because he was under the Law you are mistaken!

Matt 23:23 Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!
For you pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin,
and have neglected the weightier matters of the
law: justice and mercy and faith. These you ought
to have done, without leaving the others undone.

The woe is for us also if we follow after the leaven of the Pharisees-being hypocrites! Obeying some of the Laws of God and discarding others…Jesus already warned them and is warning us that he did not come to abolished the Law-but that is what you are trying to teach!This is a vague teaching!

From Gods Law on marriage, to tithing, to the Sabbath and God’s Feasts-you have become one with them that are teaching these had been done away while teaching that the THOU SHALL NOT KILL, THOU SHALL NOT STEAL & ETC are still to be taught and obeyed!


You said: But the OLD Covenant is NOT an ETERNAL Covenant nor MANDATE upon the human race – it was given to Israel, and Israel-only, to be a unique, set-apart-people to God…

Remember one of the points of the Book of Hebrews was to reveal that the Old Covenant with ALL its accompanying Sacrificial, Ceremonial, Civil and Dietary injunctions were at the verge of ‘rotting away’ – ceasing! And with the destruction of the Temple in 70AD, it did end.

Stay with me on this Tiuche, because this is a very CRITICAL element of the New Testament believer’s life, that we are NO LONGER strapped with the ‘touch not, taste not, handle not’ elements of the Old Covenant.

My comment: The Old Covenant replacement with a the new and far better Covenant did not abolished the Laws of God! What was abolished were the rituals and to the letter penalties of transgressing the Laws of God. Think w/o the Law there would be no sin! The Law is to be established not only in our hearts but in our communities literaly-IN THOUGHTS, IN WORDS AND IN DEEDS!

But by the way most of you think, the LAW is to be in our hearts alone…while choosing what Law should be taught and displayed among the physical children and babes in the faith! You kicked out the TUTOR and wonder why your children are not convicted of their sins…with them thinking that their sins were only “bless me father for I have sinned…my last confession was three months ago…i told a lie, i speak bad words, i did not go to church on sunday….” w/o the tutor(the Law) to lead us to Christ (Grace)…they thought of Grace as cheap!

I agree with you that the accompanying Sacrificial, Ceremonial injunctions have ceased but not the dietary & civil ones. However the Civil Laws punishment and penalties IS NOw UP to God to punish with Him now being among us (Emmanuel)and because of His Grace; and us being ministers of the spirit and not the LETTER! The dietary Law’s transgression have consequences spiritually and physically…so does the transgression on the tithe, marriage, Sabbaths, Feasts Days and even when not obeying God’s Laws on Agriculture!

You mentioned the term NO LONGER strapped with the ‘touch not, taste not, handle not’ elements (Colossians 2:20-22) yes I agree with that but this verse is not talking about the Laws of God-this is about the Laws of men! Don’t take it out from its context.


You said: We are not lawless however, for the (moral elements) of the Law are written on our hearts – the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin…

My comment: I agree with you that the moral elements of the Law are written in your heart & the spirit convicts us of sin; but do you not wonder why you are CHERRY PICKING on what Law you just want to obey while glossing and making vague the others?

One example is on the Laws of God on marriage, how many times have I warned & shown all of you that God have Laws on Plural marriage yet you ignore them as you ignore the Law on tithing and the Sabbaths. The moral elements is incomplete in your heart because you have cherry picked the moral Laws of God, thinking it is some are obsolete and ready to vanish away.

Think the Spirit convicts you of sin through the Laws of God and if we are not aware what is sin because we have discard some important and lesser Laws, what do you think is the effect?

Are you absolutely sure 100% that your subtle enemy have not deceived you on these matters?


You said:But the tithe is NO LONGER MANDATED upon the believer – even the council in Acts 15 mentioned NOTHING about ‘tithing’ upon Gentiles… Paul NEVER preached tithing to either his Jewish or Gentile converts, and with the eventual separation of the Jewish believers from the synagogues and the Temple, no longer did they tithe per the mandates of the Old Covenant as GARY ARNOLD brought out so well.

My comment: Well we are under Grace and not under the Law, and God knows what each one of us have in our hearts. Whether we really understand what we are doing and teaching this is what the Lord Jesus have to say:

Matthew 23:23 For you pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin,
and have neglected the weightier matters of the
law: justice and mercy and faith. These you ought
to have done, without leaving the others undone.

Matthew 5:19 Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven…

Our reward is waiting for us in what we did and what we did not do!